
Why Kettlebells?

Kettlebells are not new. In fact, they've been around for over 300 years and were a favored implement for the circus strongmen of yesteryear.

They are making a resurgence in the West due to their ability to produce rapid results when used correctly. Kettlebells are unique from any other form of fitness equipment in a multitude of ways. 

  1. Kettlebells make life better as daily activities strain our bodies. Kettlebells train the entire body at one time through full body movements. Unlike traditional gym equipment which focuses on isolating the body's parts or performing cardio on stationary equipment, the kettlebell enhances the performance of all of life's activities.

  2. Kettlebells allow you to focus on strength training, core conditioning and cardiovascular fitness all together at once mimicking how your body operates in the real world. Traditional gym workouts force you to do separate training modalities.

  3. The kettlebell "ballistics" exercises—the swing and the snatch—not only train your heart to be bulletproof but your lower back as well, with no jarring impact to your joints. These particular exercises strengthen your hips and produce endurance in your lower back, the determining factor to preventing back injuries.

  4. Due to the bell sitting below the handle, instead of between it, the kettlebell's weight is off set in the hand, causing the body to use more muscles to hold and move the bell. This triggers the body to use more energy, which is convenient if one of your goals is to lose weight. Conversely, if one of your goals is trying to build muscle, the kettlebell will literally force your body to use more muscles than performing similar exercises with barbells and dumbbells.

These are just a few of superior reasons for using kettlebells. To learn more click here